Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008

pulpen faster


Untuk memberitahukan kepada masyarakat khususnya para pelajar tentang keunggulan produk kami (Faster)

Agar masyarakat khususnya para pelajar membeli dan menggunakan produk kami (Faster)

Target Audience
Age : 15-21 thn
Gender : Laki-laki dan wanita
SES : B & C
Occupation : Pelajar (Mahasiswa, SMP, SMA)
Lifestyle : Pelajar & mahasiswa yang suka menulis

Buying Behaviour
Price Buyer

“Mau nulis? Pake Faster aja!”

Pada suatu hari di sebuah sekolah sedang diadakan ujian. Ada seorang murid yang bernama budi, dia sedang panik karena pulpennya mati.
Budi : Duh,pulpen gw kok mati yah? Padahal baru beli kemarin gw…
(bingung sambil ketok-ketok pulpen ke meja)
Nata : Kenapa lo?kok panik banget??
Budi : Iya nih,pulpen gw mati…aahhhh..!!
Nata : makanya,mau nulis? Pake Faster aja!! (sambil menunjukkan pulpen Faster)

bentuk-bentuk akomodasi

Teguh Prasetyo
Adv. 10-2B

Bentuk-bentuk akomodasi dan contoh:
1. Coersion
Sikap memaksakan orang untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak disukai.
Contoh : menyuruh orang lain untuk melakukan kemauannya.
2. Compromise
Kedua atau semua pihak yang terlibat dalam konflik berusaha mencari dan mendapatkan jalan tengah.
Contoh : dalam suatu rapat,dalam mengambil keputusan harus merupakan keputusan bersama.
3. Arbitration
Penghentian perselisihan secara langsung oleh pihak ketiga dengan memberi keputusan yang diterima serta ditaati oleh kedua pihak yang bertikai.
Contoh : seorang polisi menghentikan perkelahian 2 orang. jika tidak berhenti maka 2 orang tersebut akan dibawa ke kantor polisi.
4. Mediation
Penghentian pertikaian oleh pihak ketiga tetapi diberikan keputusan yang meningkat.
Contoh : Seorang ayah melerai anak-anaknya yg sedang berkelahi.

5. Conciliation
Usaha untuk mempertemukan keinginan-keinginan pihak-pihak yang berselisih bagi tercapainya suatu persetujuan bersama.
Contoh : Ormas perlindungan anak bertemu dengan anggota DPR agar kekerasan terhadap anak dibawah umur dapat dihentikan.
6. Toferatin
Toleransi antar kedua belah pihak..
Contoh : Toleransi untuk saling menghormati antar satu ras dengan ras yang lainnya.
7. Stalemate
Suatu keadaan dimana pihak-pihak yang bertentangan memiliki kekuatan yang seimbang dan berhenti melakukan pertentangan pada suatu titik karena kedua belah pihak sudah tidak mungkin lagi maju atau mundur.
Contoh : Gencatan senjata antara kedua belah pihak yang terjadi konflik.
8. Adjudication
Penyelesaian perkara atau sengketa di pengadilan
Contoh : pembelian tanah atau rumah,tetapi mempunyai masalah. Maka harus diselesaikan di pengadilan.

liberal jeans

Advertising 10-2B

“Liberal” Jeans

a. Account Handling : Untung Karyadi, concerned with the overall health and strategy of accounts.
Positions : Account Director
b. Creative Department : Pratiwi, ensuring that the message suits the product, brand or service.
Positions : Creative Director
c. Media Departement : Malai Matahari, takes the stastistical research undertaken by the media researcher.
Positions : Media Planner
d. Production Departement : Putri Widyasari, make sure that everything that is needed to produce the final advertisement.
Positions : Production Manager
e. Research Departement : Teguh Prasetyo
Positions : Research Manager

Campaign Strategy

PRODUCT: Jeans BRAND: Liberal

A. Adv. Reason : Because advertising is very important for all company to promoted their product.

B. Sales Promotion :
- Objective : To make customer interest with our product.
- Technique : Min. buy Rp.500.000,- will get voucher Rp.50.000,-

C. PR : Open stand at the kind of big mall in Jakarta.
- Benefit : People will know how kind, and ingredient from our product form.

D. Sponsorship : - Violent games
: - To make customer interest

= First Annual Budget

- Advertising : Creative
- Billboard (Rp.100.000.000,-)
: Media
- Television (Rp.40.000.000,-)
- Magazines (Rp.7.000.000,-)
- Newspaper (Rp.27.000.000,-)
- Tabloid (Rp.6.000.000,-)

- Sales Promo.: Gifts
- Goody bag (100xRp.20.000,- = Rp.2.000.000,-)
- Voucher (100xRp.50.000,- = Rp.5.000.000,-)

- PR : Venue
- Mal Artha Gading, Mal Kelapa Gading, Plaza Semanggi, Mal Taman Anggrek, Senayan City. (Total Rp.500.000.000,-)

Target Audience :
AGE : 16th – 30th
The reason is because many peoples that still love and happy to use jeans.
SEX : Male and Female
The public for man and female is still like to use the jeans
SES : A and B
Because our product we sell for group medium until high class
Lifestyle : Attractive,
Because if use our product, that can give comfort.
Occupation : Teenagers and Employee
Because publicity teenagers and also employeers often to used the jeans

Creative Strategy

a. Advertising Objectives :
• can take over a lot of people
• make people can be more then to know our product
• make people to be interest with our product

b. Key messages :
Promise : Be Confident
Rationale : With use our product can make yours to be
Comfortable and confident

Media Strategy

c. Media Selection :
• Primary media : TV and Magazine
Because in order that people can be more see and to know our product
• Secondary media : Newspaper and Tabloid
Because in secondary media is usually the group medium can also see and know our product too

d. Media Schedule : Because all of the target of advertising suppost to be a rules to built a client to get they satisfied

Evaluation and Testing

Attention  to gain attention from TVC, we must make the commercial as attractive as we can, especially to attract male audiences. Everything that is boyish, cool and all about the latest fashion are what we pulled of.

Interest  to generate interest to our product, we have to set the package so youthful and interesting, beside the unique concept of our product.

Desire  to generate the desire to buy the product; we have to make special offers and other advantageous offers, such as special price at the launching.

Action  to make target audience comes into an action to buy the product, we have to make sure that this (the product) is something new and can fulfil the needs of certain target audience, which is men’s fashion and lifestyle.

The type of advertising agency and our service for the product :

Type of advertising agency that most suitable for our product is a la carte.
The reasons that we used “a la carte” because it is the most effective methods for our budget.

We need freelance designers and copywriters; and media independents as a backup agency.

Report 3 advantages using a celebrity to promote our product :
• If we use the popular artist for our advertise its make our brand familiar faster
• Have a good image for our brand
• We can get expensive price in our sells

3 disadvantages using a celebrity to promote our product :
• Spend a lot money
• People come from the lower class can’t buy our product
• And usually we can’t make sure to contract the artist to be long in our product.



90 x 6 bln x Rp28.000 = Rp15.120.000

90 x 6 bln x Rp20.000 = Rp10.800.000

120 x 6 bln x Rp18.000 = Rp12.960.000


15 x 15 bln x Rp11.500 = Rp2.587.500

15 x 15bln x Rp17.500 = Rp3.937.500


90 x 3 bln x Rp70740 = Rp19.099.800

60 x 2 bln x Rp58320 = Rp7.231.680


10 x 5bln x Rp47500 = Rp2.375.000

10 x 5bln x Rp60.800 = Rp3.040.000 +


Primary media : tv and magazine
Rp 38.880.000 + Rp6.525.000 = Rp 45.405.000

Secondary media : tabloid and newspaper
Rp26.331.480 + Rp5.415.000 = Rp31.746.480

Total keseluruhan media Rp45.405.000 + Rp31.746.480 = Rp 77.151.480

= Pre-testing advertisements:
a. Aspects to be tested based on AIDA:
- What is the impact of the advertisement or the commercial?
The impact is peoples know about our product.
- Can they recall it? Yes, because our advertisement is very interested.
- Does it communicate the right image? Yes, because from our advertisement, we show that we need the public to know.
- Is it intelligible? Can it be understood? Yes, of course. Because we make it simple and easy to understand.
- Does the Target Audience like or dislike it? So far, so good.
- Will the customer be stimulated to buy? Yes, because we give the best quality, sells promo and also the best service.
- Is it persuasive? Yes, because we used a lot of media to promote our product.

b. Two methods of testing to be used are:
- Discussion and interview methods.
Because we use for product testing prior to a product launch, or on the study of existing products and services and also to discover the attitude of the market-place and the penetration achieved.
- Test marketing
A full launch campaign with television advertising involves a large investments so even more elaborate test marketing takes place.
c. When to test in the producing stages for press ad. And TVC? Before we launch our new product.
d. Why advertisers would use pre-testing? To make sure the advertising campaign is effective before it is rolled out to national wide.

tipe-tipe lembaga kemasyarakatan

Tipe-tipe lembaga kemasyarakatan :

1. Dari sudut perkembangannya:

• Crescive Institutions
Crescive institutions disebut juga lembaga-lembaga paling primer dan merupakan lembaga-lembaga yang secara tidak disengaja tumbuh dari adat istiadat masyarakat.
Contoh: hak milik, perkawinan, agama.

• Enacted Institutions
Enacted institution merupakan lembaga yang dengan sengaja dibentuk untuk memenuhi tujuan tertentu.
Contoh: lembaga-lembaga pendidikan, lembaga-lembaga perdagangan, lembaga-lembaga utang piutang, dan sebagainya.
Semua lembaga-lembaga tersebut berakar pada kebiasaaan-kebiasaan dalam masyarakat. Kebiasaan-kebiasaan tersebut kemudian disistematisasi dan diatur untuk kemudian dituangkan ke dalam lembaga-lembaga yang diusahakan oleh negara.

2. Dari sudut sistem nilai-nilai yang diterima masyarakat :

• Basic Institutions
Basic institution dianggap sebagai lembaga kemasyarakatan yang sangat penting untuk memelihara dan mempertahankan tata tertib dalam masyarakat. Dalam masyarakat Indonesia, misalnya keluarga, sekolah, Negara, dan sebagainya dianggap sebagai basic institutions yang pokok.

• Subsidiary Institutions
Subsidiary Institutions dianggap kurang penting, misalnya rekreasi.

Ukuran yang dipakai untuk menentukan suatu lembaga kemasyarakatan dianggap sebagai basic atau subsidiary berbeda-beda di setiap masyarakat. Ukuran-ukuran tersebut juga tergantung dari masa hidup masyarakat yang berlangsung. Misalnya sirkus pada zaman Romawi dan Yunani kuno dianggap sebagai basic institutions, namun pada dewasa ini kiranya tidak akan dijumpai suatu masyarakat yang masih mempunyai keyakinan demikian.

3. Dari sudut penerimaan masyarakat :

• Approved / Social Sanctioned Institutions
Approved / Social Sanctioned Institutions merupakan lembaga-lembaga yang diterima masyarakat.
Contoh: sekolah, perusahaan dagang, dll.

• Unsanctioned Institutions
Unsanctioned Institutions merupakan lembaga-lembaga yang ditolak oleh masyarakat, walaupun terkadang masyarakat tidak berhasil memberantasnya.
Contoh: penjahat, pemeras, perampok, dll

4. Dari sudut penyebarannya :
• General Institutions
General Institutions merupakan lembaga yang dikenal oleh seluruh masyarakat dunia.
Contoh: agama.

• Restricted Institutions
Restricted Institutions merupakan lembaga-lembaga yang dikenal oleh masyarakat tertentu.
Contoh: agama Islam, Protestan, Katolik, Buddha, dll

5. Dari fungsinya :

• Operative Institutions
Operative Institutions berfungsi sebagai lembaga yang menghimpun pola-pola atau tata cara yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan lembaga yang bersangkutan.
Contoh: lembaga industrialiasi.

• Regulative Institutions
Regulative Institutions merupakan lembaga-lembaga yang bertujuan untuk mengawasi adat istiadat atau tata kelakuan yang tidak menjadi bagian mutlak lembaga itu sendiri.
Contoh: lembaga hokum sperti kejaksaan, pengadilan, dll.

ekstreme provider

Product: Provider Hand phone Name: Extreme

Competition between product provider hand phones is very crowded. But we believe with our product can take interest a lots of people because we offer product with new image and very good price.

Consumer Demand: Can communicate easier and cheaper.
Needs : Practical
Wants : Fell free in communication, more enthusiastic
Main Competitor : pro-XL
Target Market : Employee

Product : Phone package with special offer
Brand :


1. Target Audience
Gender : Male and Female
AGE : 15th-25th
S.E.S : B and C
Occupation : Student, Employee.
Lifestyle : Simple, modern.
2. Promise
Physically : Practically
Emotionally : Free, more enthusiastic
3. Reason Why
We built 26 tower in 26 province with the result that range of communication more wide, cheaper price that we offer in communication easy to use because distributing more enough.
4. Tone & Style
we use model that active and dynamic with red and yellow color for color image that we create.
Background, we use are form of city that thirsty will try new things and bright color and give happiness.
5. Creative Narrative
Our advertising tells about heroism that use our product as helper from hard communication information from other provider that disseminator promise.
6. Sales Promotion
Gift : Lottery for buying our product with prize (3pc Nokia N95 Black Ed.)
: Goody bag (t-shirt, hat, brochure) for our customer that buys our product.
